Center for Business & Information Technologies

CBIT is a recognized leader in technology-based economic development in the state of Louisiana, part of the Informatics Research Institute at the University of Louisiana at Lafayette.  The center focuses its research, development, and technology transfer activities on fostering technology-driven innovations in a wide range of application domains including healthcare, education, economic and workforce development, energy/oil & gas, and business process automation.

UL Lafayette leads exciting health informatics initiatives that are nationally important, prominent on the agendas of federal agencies, thoroughly integrated with Louisiana state government, and emerging as promising candidates for large-scale funding support from a wide range of industry sectors.

Research & Development Areas

  • Enterprise Computing
  • Application Software
  • High Performance Computing
  • Distributed & Grid Computing
  • GIS Visualization
  • Supply Chain Management
  • Entrepreneurship

Center Highlights

  • Recognized in 2003 by former Governor Mike Foster with the Lantern Award for contributions to economic development in Louisiana
  • Founded the CajunCodeFest (healthcare programming solutions competition) in 2012 as a signature event that has started a revolution in healthcare innovation technology in the state of Louisiana
  • Launched the Lafayette Living Lab for Health Innovation in 2012 to become a test bed for the next generation of networks and applications in healthcare
  • Developed a method and tools for providing enhanced information on workforce demand and projected supply to help build and manage a more responsive workforce delivery system for the Louisiana Workforce Commission
  • Received the Innovate Award in 2013 for the CajunCodeFest from the Greater Lafayette Chamber of Commerce